Hydrogen Peroxide: Inhaling Disinfectant for Coronavirus Treatment?
The widely used disinfectant hydrogen peroxide (H₂O₂) is being touted as another potential treatment for COVID-19.
Hydrogen peroxide can be found not only in retail stores, but in the human body as well. The immune system uses the compound to boost the natural functions of cells and prevent viral infection.
In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, HP may help fight the coronavirus, according to Dr. Thomas Levy. He says people can utilize hydrogen peroxide using its aerosolized form in a standard nebulizer.
Levy suggests using at least 3% food-grade hydrogen peroxide. It is important to know that some products have higher concentrations and people should inhale only 3 percent.
How Hydrogen Peroxide May Work Against Coronavirus
Viruses move around the body by infecting live cells that replicate viral DNA and RNA. This potential COVID-19 treatment targets infected cells.
Vaporized hydrogen peroxide is considered effective in removing viruses from surfaces and from the air.
A study published in the Journal of Hospital Infection shows that on surfaces, even just 0.5 percent hydrogen peroxide could kill human coronaviruses, such as those that caused SARS and MERS. There is also research that found that vaporized hydrogen peroxide could lead to inactivation of virus activities.
Inhaling HP vapor using a nebulizer is assumed to be the most efficient method of receiving hydrogen peroxide to fight viral infections. The microscopic mist can easily reach deep into the nostrils, sinuses and lungs, which are commonly affected by respiratory diseases like COVID-19.
“Effective hydrogen peroxide nebulization quite literally, ‘chops the head off of the snake,’ and the virus present elsewhere in the body can then readily be mopped up when the new virus influx has been terminated,” Levy said.
The doctor suggests using the nebulizer with hydrogen peroxide for 10 to 15 minutes, four times a day, until the symptoms of the infection improve.
“As it is a completely non-toxic therapy, nebulization can be administered as often as desired,” Levy noted. “If done on a daily basis at least once, a very positive impact on bowel and gut function will often be realized as killing the chronic pathogen colonization present in most noses and throats stops the 24/7 swallowing of these pathogens and their associated toxins.”
Important Note:
Dr. Levy strongly urges individuals to seek the guidance of their own healthcare practitioner to discuss health concerns and potential therapies. Readers are NOT advised to self-medicate or self-treat for serious illnesses.
Levy received his medical degree from Tulane University’s School of Medicine in 1976. He received his law degree from the University of Denver in 1998.
Further Reading:
Airborne hydrogen peroxide for disinfection of the hospital environment and infection control: a systematic review.
Virus inactivation by hydrogen peroxide
The effect of H2O2 on adenovirus types 3 and 6, adenoassociated virus type 4, rhinoviruses 1A, 1B, and type 7, myxoviruses, influenza A and B, respiratory syncytial virus, strain Long, and coronavirus strain 229E was studied in vitro, using different H2O2 concentration and times of exposure.
Evaluation of hydrogen peroxide gaseous disinfection systems to decontaminate viruses