Bernie Sanders Campaign Releases Internal Iowa Caucus Numbers
DES MOINES, Iowa — Due to the failure of the Iowa Democratic Party to release results Monday night and in the
interest of full transparency, Bernie 2020 Senior Advisor Jeff Weaver is releasing the campaign’s internal
reporting numbers, which represent the results from nearly 40 percent of precincts in Iowa.
“We recognize that this does not replace the full data from the Iowa Democratic Party, but we believe firmly
that our supporters worked too hard for too long to have the results of that work delayed,” Jeff Weaver said.
The data below was collected by trained Sanders volunteers at representative precincts from all four
congressional districts from a cross section of urban and rural parts of the state.
Candidate State Delegate Equivalent State Delegate Equivalent % First Count First Count% Final Count Final Count %
Amy Klobuchar 114.06 10.93% 10,115 11.57% 8,709 11,00%
Andrew Yang 9.79 0.94% 4,165 4.77% 709 0.90%
Bernie Sanders 298.50 28.62% 24,496 28.03% 23,476 29.66%
Elizabeth Warrer 192.13 18.42% 16,906 19.34% 16,814 21.24%
Joe Biden 157.32 15.08% 12,086 13.83% 9,789 12.37%
Pete Buttigieg 268.22 25.71% 18,187 20.81% 19,464 24.59%
Tom Steyer 3.09 0.30% 1,296 148% 192 0.24%
Tulsi Gabbard 0.00 0.00% 145 0.17% 9 0.01%
TOTAL 1,043.10 87,396 79,162