Las Vegas Shooting Timeline Revised Yet Again (10/13)
LVMPD Sheriff Joe Lombardo being very defensive in today’s press briefing… seems too self-conscious of what is being discussed about his integrity on “cyberspace”
Timeline: 9:59 was a human entry into a security log… security guard Jesus Campos received his wounds close to 10:05 (not at 9:59 as had been stated in the last press briefin)
10:17 the time that the Vegas police arrived on the 32nd floor… 12 minutes…
Number of medical facilities handling the injured: 17 separate facilities
Injuries: 546 reported injuries, 501 discharged…
58 have died… 45 still in the hospital, some in critical condition… death toll may rise
FUEL TANKS were fired upon with intent, it is currently believed. Very low possibility that the fuel could’ve been ignited
September 25 vs September 28: The suspect occupied the room on September 25, registration changed on September 28 with the addition of Marilou Danley’s name (?)
Autopsy…. visual inspection of brain: no abnormality… further examination may yield indication of abnormality
Aaron Rouse is the FBI special agent in charge of the Las Vegas Division.
By now, it appears law enforcement across the country (including Los Angeles) use the word “narrative” with no hint or awareness of irony whatsoever.